Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Food Safety

Trump brought RFK Jr. on board to help win the election, but I see Robert Kennedy Jr as a bit of a red hearing.  He claimed that he and Trump would improve the American diet and make America healthy in just four years.   He talked about banning seed oils and High Fructose Corn Syrup, the latter of which is chemically identical to sugar. 

If you don't want government coercion for your own good, I would not support Robert Kennedy.  He also tends to promote conspiracy theories:  https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/10/10/rfk-jr-launches-independent-2024-run-here-are-all-the-conspiracies-he-promotes-from-vaccines-to-mass-shootings/

Trump had to promise RFK Jr. something to get him on board.  We don't know what that is, but maybe Kennedy will be the head of the FDA.  I think that is what he wants.

As far as 1000 substances banned in Europe in American foods, I want to see research done. The trouble with the European Union standards is that they are a bit like California which takes regulations too far.  (For example, the California standard on heavy metal contamination is 500 times stricter than what the Federal Government regards as safe.  This became an issue about Dark Chocolate when Consumer Reports claimed that many brands were unsafe because they didn't meet California regulations.  I eat dark chocolate every day for its reported health benefits.  I'm not worried.)

Trump did say something about doing research.   That would be good.  I don't want bad substances in my food either, but I also don't want unnecessary government coercion.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Why Japanese People Are Not Obese Like People In The US?

I assume that it is not just "healthy" food but the quantity of food that people like to eat.  Americans love to overeat.  I think that eating out is the cause of obesity because it is not only junk food but the large portion sizes.

I wonder if buffets are an American-only phenomenon?

Monday, September 9, 2024

Ask the Expert: Concerns about canola oil

First is the use of a solvent such as hexane to extract the maximum amount of oil from the seed. Hexane is a very volatile solvent (boiling point 69ºC, or 156ºF) with a very low toxicity (LD50 in rats of 49.0 milliliters per kilogram). Hexane has been used to extract oils from plant material since the 1930s, and "there is no evidence to substantiate any risk or danger to consumer health when foods containing trace residual concentrations of hexane are ingested." [1]

It has been estimated that refined vegetable oils extracted with hexane contain approximately 0.8 milligrams of residual hexane per kilogram of oil (0.8 ppm). [2] It is also estimated that the level of ingestion of hexane from all food sources is less than 2% of the daily intake from all other sources, primarily gasoline fumes. There appears to be very little reason for concern about the trace levels of hexane in canola oil.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Does the Erucic Acid Level Make Canola Oil Unsafe?

I have looked at many articles. The vast majority say that Canola Oil is safe in moderation.

Most of the oils in Canola Oil are healthy, but Canola Oil also contains Erucic Acid.   Erucic Acid is toxic (to heart health) so it seems to me that it would be better not to consume any.  However, the exact amount of Erucic Acid in Canola Oil is unclear.  Almost all sources claim that the Euric Acid level is 2% or less by law, although the article below says that it is barely detectable, only around 0.01% in Canadian-made Canola Oil.
Although the government classifies Canola Oil as safe, the recommended safe level of Erucic Acid is about 7 mg per kilogram of body weight.  For me, that would be about 3/4 of a gram.

"For reference, 1 tablespoon of canola oil can contain a maximum of 280 mg of erucic acid. This means a person who weighs 80 kg can have around 2 tbsp of canola oil per day. "


The problem is that we don't know if it actually has that much Erucic Acid.  

The same article mentions that Canola Oil has a tiny amount of trans fat.

Two tablespoons isn't that much.  I used to cook popcorn with 2 ounces of Canola Oil.  That is about 4 tablespoons, so I could have exceeded the recommended level of Erucic Acid.

According to this page, the Erucic Acid level in Canola Oil is not 2% but 0.2%.  So that should make Canola Oil safe in moderation.


For several months, I have been using Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead.  It is at least five times more expensive than Canola Oil, but I only use it 2 or 3 times per week.  The cost is not a big issue.

Olive Oil is a key component of the Mediterranean Diet.  Many sources claim that Olive Oil does not have any trans fat.

According to at least a couple of sources, you can use Olive Oil for frying if you don't get it too hot.  


The smoke point of Canola Oil is 399 degrees Fahrenheit.  Because of this, it is considered heat resistant and good for frying.  The smoke point of Olive Oil varies from 350 to 430 degrees.

If I am being honest, other things in my diet are riskier than Canola Oil.  I need to work on those as well.

The actual science of the "industrial seed oil" panic

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Bet NO ONE told you this about Canola Oil

How to keep your stir-fry chicken tender and juicy 😋

Baking the Original Brownie - The History of Brownies


7 hours ago
I heard that during medieval times, around holidays like Christmas, parents would make sweet treats they would leave out for their children.  When the children would ask where the treats came from, the parents would respond, "Brownies", which were elves.

12 replies

6 hours ago
I'm gonna do this if I have kids.

6 hours ago
Not a Brownie fan...Too much chocolate. But, thanks for the coherent recipe. I'm not adverse to baking brownies for others.

5 hours ago (edited)
Interesting... is this the source of Madison Ave's idea for the Keebler Elves?

Reasons Why American Breakfasts Are the Way They Are

Friday, August 23, 2024

You could slap me in the face with this meat and I wouldn’t be mad 🤤


They’re one of the oldest Chinese restaurants in America


It is a pity this is not In Columbus, Indiana. It is three hours away in Columbus, Ohio. I am tempted to try it, especially in the very rare event that I would have a need to go to Ohio. I bought one of my computers in Cincinnati five years ago, which is halfway to the restaurant.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

I add mixed nuts to my salads

Reportedly, eating an ounce of nuts per day can lower the risk of heart disease. I add a chopped Apple and a Roma Tomato to my salad for the same reason.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

2024-07-24 Message to Con Agra Foods.

2024-07-24 Message to Con Agra Foods regarding Marie Calendar 
15-ounce chicken pot pies.
When I buy a product I expect it to be fully sealed in the package for food
safety reasons.

I have repeatedly seen a problem where the packaging is so flimsy that the tab
where you would open pot pie is open.  Today I saw multiple packages on the
Walmart store freezer shelf with this problem.   I then grabbed a cardboard
case with 6 pot pies and took it to self-checkout.  At checkout, I discovered
that half the packages had this problem and I told the cashier that I didn't
want to buy those.

I have seen this before when I would order using Walmart curbside pickup.  
Maybe the people who bring the order to the car don't handle the packages with
care,  but I would discover the same problem with the pot pies after I got home.
For this reason, I stopped ordering the product through curbside pickup.

In the future, I intend to only order the Marie Callendar Pot pies that Sam's
Club sells because they come in a box of 8 which provides extra protection.


Cooking Steak with ZERO Experience


Best wishes,

John Coffey

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Red beans and rice | Southern U.S. style

The Working Man's Doughnut

KFC's 11 herbs and spices

I could eat my body weight worth of this…🤭

Crazy Puffs

No cooking oil, stir fry with water! Bacon cabbage stir-fry!

How to cook ground beef for maximum flavor | I bet you didn't know this!

We can’t stop making these No Bake Peanut Butter Oat Cups

How to make homemade bread.

How I've Salted Steak the Past 40 Years

BK Wraps

Burger King has been promoting $3 wraps. They don't look very big. I'm going to try buying tortillas and making my own wraps.

Best wishes,

John Coffey

Saturday, March 2, 2024

We're all confused about Red Meat. Here's Why.

I knew a preacher who dismissed all of science because it always uses qualified statements like, "The evidence would suggest that ...".   This is because science is rarely settled,   Science is subject to change as new information becomes available.  So the preacher thought that science doesn't really know anything.

I look at science in terms of probability.  Trans fats are associated with a higher risk of heart disease.  It doesn't mean that it is the same for everyone or that it is proven, although the evidence is strong enough that we could look at this as a fact.

People can't know everything, so as a rule people just take the best information available to them.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

I been cooking chicken WRONG all my life!

Sugar Alcohols Ruined My Health: Learn from My Mistakes


I haven't noticed sugar-alcohols in very many products. I have occasionally bought no-sugar-added pies that contain sugar-alcohols, and they give me gas, but as long as I eat them in moderation, I am fine. Too much can have a laxative effect.