Tuesday, November 10, 2015

That Sugar Film

Just watched "That Sugar Film" on Amazon Prime. It is more like I skimmed through the film because I didn't want to be bothered with all the details and some of the flashy gimmicks the film uses to present information.

The bottom line is that an Australian man changed his diet to include 40 teaspoons of sugar per day, which according to the film is the typical consumption of the average Australian male. His total daily calorie intake was about the same as it was before he went on this diet. After 60 days he had gained a significant amount of weight and showed signs of fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, and other health problems. Then he went off of the sugar diet and within a couple of months his health and weight had returned to normal.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

re: popcorn popper

Been using these microwave popcorn bowls for around 15 years ...

I used to use a kitchen scale to measure my ingredients exactly.  Now I just throw stuff into the bowl without measuring.

My recipe for perfect popcorn is ...

Place the following in the microwave popcorn bowl ...

4 oz of premium popcorn
1/4 to 1/2 ounce of Lite Salt,  This salt has a flavor that I like.    (Or salt after you pop it.  If you add the salt before you pop it, then you need more salt because at least half of it will end up in the bottom of the bowl.) 
2 oz of canola oil.  (Oil will cover popcorn and salt.   After dozens of uses, the oil will give the bowl a yellow color.)

It takes about 3 to 4 minutes to microwave.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sugar vs. Fat

I watched this great BBC documentary called "Sugar vs. Fat.".  

I found a version on youtube, but it the youtube version looks too dark:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nT-vACI-jg

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fwd: Food

'Based on the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee's recent recommendations, this Viewpoint urges the US Department of Agriculture and US Department of Health and Human Services to remove limits on total fat consumption in their 2015 Dietary Guideline to promote consumption of healthful fat.'




Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Fwd: cholesterol

'The nation's top nutrition advisory panel will drop its caution about eating cholesterol-laden food, a move that could undo almost 40 years of government warnings.
The group's finding that cholesterol in the diet need no longer be considered a ''nutrient of concern'' stands in contrast to its findings five years ago, the last time it convened. During those proceedings, as in previous years, the panel deemed ''excess dietary cholesterol'' a public health concern…

But the finding follows an evolution of thinking among many nutritionists who now say that, for a healthy adult, cholesterol intake may not significantly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood or increase the risk of heart disease.'


... there are many caveats in the article.  Seems to me that caution and a reasonably healthy diet are still wise.  The article complains about trans fat and ​saturated fat.   As far as I know, both come from animal products.  Funny how a different study said that effect of saturated fat wasn't statistically significant and still yet another study said that a low fat diet is not a good idea.  Confused yet?  I have been eating a diet heavy in unsaturated fats and low in sugar.  I have been eating more veggies too.  According to my doctor, my blood test showed a low risk for heart disease.  

However, blood tests aren't a perfect predictor either.  I have seen articles claiming that inflammation is a risk factor for heart disease.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Fwd: Law

'Striking a blow for the freedom to eat the bloated livers of ducks and geese force-fed grain through tubes, a federal judge invalidated California's 2012 ban of foie gras.


So California cannot ban something Federal law allows….Colorado can allow something Federal law bans….and Arizona cannot pass a law identical to federal law to ban the same thing federal law does.