Thursday, December 27, 2012

Robert Lustig

News1 new result for Robert Lustig
Is Sugar the Next Tobacco?
Pacific Standard
Among the least likely viral megahits on YouTube is a 90-minute lecture by the food scold and pediatric endocrinologist Robert Lustig, entitled "Sugar: The Bitter Truth." He delivers it in a windowless room at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine ...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

History of Food

I found this interesting.  Ice cream goes back 5,000 years.  I heard that people were mixing ice with fruit juice going back thousands of years.  Ancient people had figured out efficient ways of storing ice underground.   On a hot summer's day two thousand years ago you could buy snow cones in the markets of Greece.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fwd: Mexico

'Mexico's government expressed concern that the US may cancel a 16-year-old agreement setting the price for its tomato exports, saying it will urge Washington not to opt for protectionist measures…


The existing bilateral pact is known as a "suspension agreement" because the Commerce Department in 1996 halted an anti-dumping investigation against Mexico and negotiated a minimum price for imports of Mexican tomatoes.


The US imported $8.5 billion worth of farm products from Mexico last year, more than from any other nation. Tomatoes accounted for nearly a quarter of the total.'


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Grain & Hay Claims GM causes liver disease rejected

GM crops a solution for improving crop yield: Experts - The Times of India on Mobile

Greenpeace out to sea on GM rice issue, bioethicist says


Science Left Behind: France Bans GMOs Again

Beef Products Inc. sues ABC News for defamation over 'pink slime',0,3467632.story

Monday, July 16, 2012

Fructose metabolism



Excess fructose consumption has been hypothesized to be a cause of insulin resistance, obesity,[41] elevated LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, leading to metabolic syndrome.[42] In preliminary research, fructose consumption was correlated with obesity.[43][44] A study in mice showed that a high fructose intake may increase adiposity.[45]


One study concluded that fructose "produced significantly higher fasting plasma triacylglycerol values than did the glucose diet in men" and "...if plasma triacylglycerols are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, then diets high in fructose may be undesirable".[50]


Fructose is a reducing sugar, as are all monosaccharides. The spontaneous chemical reaction of simple sugar molecules binding to proteins is known as glycation. Showing potential cause of skin and bone damage in a rat model of diabetes, investigators suggested "that long-term fructose consumption negatively affects the aging process."[51]


Liver function


While a few other tissues (e.g., sperm cells[59] and some intestinal cells) do use fructose directly, fructose is metabolized primarily in the liver.[60]


Compared with consumption of high glucose beverages, drinking high fructose beverages with meals results in lower circulating insulin and leptin levels, and higher ghrelin levels after the meal.[61] Since leptin and insulin decrease appetite and ghrelin increases appetite, some researchers suspect that eating large amounts of fructose increases the likelihood of weight gain.[62]


Excessive fructose consumption may contribute to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.[63]




A 2008 study found a substantial risk of incident gout associated with the consumption of fructose or fructose rich foods.[64] Cases of gout have risen in recent years, despite commonly being thought of as a Victorian disease, and it is suspected that the fructose found in soft drinks (e.g., carbonated beverages) and other sweetened drinks is the reason for this.[65][66]

Monday, June 4, 2012

Take this with a grain of salt

'THE first time I questioned the conventional wisdom on the nature of a healthy diet, I was in my salad days, almost 40 years ago, and the subject was salt. Researchers were claiming that salt supplementation was unnecessary after strenuous exercise, and this advice was being passed on by health reporters. All I knew was that I had played high school football in suburban Maryland, sweating profusely through double sessions in the swamplike 90-degree days of August. Without salt pills, I couldn't make it through a two-hour practice; I couldn't walk across the parking lot afterward without cramping.

While sports nutritionists have since come around to recommend that we should indeed replenish salt when we sweat it out in physical activity, the message that we should avoid salt at all other times remains strong. Salt consumption is said to raise blood pressure, cause hypertension and increase the risk of premature death. This is why the Department of Agriculture's dietary guidelines still consider salt Public Enemy No. 1, coming before fats, sugars and alcohol. It's why the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has suggested that reducing salt consumption is as critical to long-term health as quitting cigarettes.

And yet, this eat-less-salt argument has been surprisingly controversial — and difficult to defend. Not because the food industry opposes it, but because the actual evidence to support it has always been so weak.

When I spent the better part of a year researching the state of the salt science back in 1998 — already a quarter century into the eat-less-salt recommendations — journal editors and public health administrators were still remarkably candid in their assessment of how flimsy the evidence was implicating salt as the cause of hypertension.

"You can say without any shadow of a doubt," as I was told then by Drummond Rennie, an editor for The Journal of the American Medical Association, that the authorities pushing the eat-less-salt message had "made a commitment to salt education that goes way beyond the scientific facts."

While, back then, the evidence merely failed to demonstrate that salt was harmful, the evidence from studies published over the past two years actually suggests that restricting how much salt we eat can increase our likelihood of dying prematurely. Put simply, the possibility has been raised that if we were to eat as little salt as the U.S.D.A. and the C.D.C. recommend, we'd be harming rather than helping ourselves.

WHY have we been told that salt is so deadly? Well, the advice has always sounded reasonable. It has what nutritionists like to call "biological plausibility." Eat more salt and your body retains water to maintain a stable concentration of sodium in your blood. This is why eating salty food tends to make us thirsty: we drink more; we retain water. The result can be a temporary increase in blood pressure, which will persist until our kidneys eliminate both salt and water.'

I have read that we should only be concerned about salt if we are salt sensitive or have high blood pressure. 

However, the two Carl's Junior burritos I ate yesterday had almost 2 grams of salt each.  I might have to cut back on burritos.  

Thursday, May 17, 2012

This is your brain on sugar: UCLA study shows high-fructose diet sabotages learning, memory

My concern is that the way the study is described, it doesn’t mention a control group that did not take sugar.   Maybe there was one but it was not mentioned in the article, which is a typical omission.   If there was not a control group for sugar, then the only thing they proved is that omega-3 fatty acids are good for learning.
The article quoted below implies that we should not eat more than 3 grams of
omega-3 fatty acids per day, which makes me wonder how much is in canola oil? 

From: Trout, Larry

I was about to say college students live on Fructose and Caffeine, but the first paragraph of the article already stole my joke…

Omega 3 risks…


Noncardiac health risks


In a letter published October 31, 2000,[89] the United States Food and Drug Administration Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Nutritional Products, Labeling, and Dietary Supplements noted that known or suspected risks of EPA and DHA consumed in excess of 3 grams per day may include the possibility of:


    Increased incidence of bleeding

    Hemorrhagic stroke

    Oxidation of omega-3 fatty acids, forming biologically active oxidation products

    Increased levels of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) cholesterol or apoproteins associated with LDL cholesterol among diabetics and hyperlipidemics

    Reduced glycemic control among diabetics


Subsequent advice from the FDA and national counterparts have permitted health claims associated with heart health.

Cardiac risk


Persons with congestive heart failure, chronic recurrent angina pectoris, or evidence that their heart is receiving insufficient blood flow are advised to talk to their doctors before taking n−3 fatty acids.[90]


In a recent large study, n−3 fatty acids on top of standard heart failure therapy produced a small but statistically significant benefit in terms of mortality and hospitalization.[91] In congestive heart failure, cells that only barely receive enough blood flow become electrically hyperexcitable. This can lead to increased risk of irregular heartbeats, which, in turn, can cause sudden cardiac death. Certain n−3 fatty acids seem to stabilize the rhythm of the heart by effectively preventing these hyperexcitable cells from functioning, thereby reducing the likelihood of sudden cardiac death. For most people, this is beneficial and could account for most of the large reduction in the likelihood of sudden cardiac death. Nevertheless, for people with congestive heart failure, the heart is barely pumping blood well enough to keep them alive. In these patients, n−3 fatty acids may eliminate enough of these few pumping cells that the heart would no longer be able to pump sufficient blood to live, causing an increased, rather than decreased, risk of cardiac death.[90] 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

This is your brain on sugar: UCLA study shows high-fructose diet sabotages learning, memory


My concern is that the way the study is described, it doesn’t mention a control group that did not take sugar.   Maybe there was one but it was not mentioned in the article, which is a typical omission.   If there was not a control group for sugar, then the only thing they proved is that omega-3 fatty acids are good for learning.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Snacking on Chocolate Linked to Low BMI

Previous studies suggest dark chocolate can lower blood pressure, bad cholesterol and even the risk of diabetes.


How could a treat filled with sugar and fat fight weight gain? It might be due to the high concentration of epicatechin, a flavonoid found in cocoa, tea, blueberries and grapes.


“Best is dark chocolate, and best is to keep it to about an ounce per day. That amounts to only about 150 calories — a lot less than any pastry they’d eat.”


-          Note that the study from 2 years ago said that an ounce per day was counterproductive because of the sugar intake, and instead recommended half an ounce per day.  (Also note that a few dark chocolates are low in sugar but also are slightly bitter.)

-          I am wondering if it is better to eat blueberries, grapes and drink tea?



Friday, March 9, 2012

Coke, Pepsi changing their caramel,0,6389104.story

Monday, January 30, 2012

Domino's Pizza

Domino’s sent me a promotion (coupon code:  EMHG7PK8 expires 2/4/2012) for all the toppings you want on a large pizza for $8.  I told them to put everything on it except for obvious stuff like extra cheese and hot peppers.  I also asked for extra sauce.  I think that pizza ended up slightly over cooked, but I liked this fully loaded pizza a little better than the fully loaded Pizza Hut $10 special.  I think that pizza was thicker and the taste was better.


I overheard the employees make comments like “Man, this pizza weighs 30 pounds!” and “heart attack special.”

Sunday, January 22, 2012

History of Pizza Hut - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Disappearance of Eat-In and Rise of Take-out

Since after 2000, Pizza Hut Red Roof restaurants have been starting to go out of business, or be converted into the "new" Pizza Hut called Pizza Hut Express. Currently, hundreds of Pizza Hut eat-in restaurants have gone out of business and demolished, or they have been converted into Pizza Hut Expresses.

- I miss the sit down Pizza Huts. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut carry out only:  all the toppings you want for $10 plus tax.   I ordered online and got a large pizza with literally everything  except anchovies and hot peppers.   I especially like pineapple on pizza.   I also asked for extra sauce.


Many times I have been a little disappointed with Pizza Hut because they skimp on the toppings.  However, this pizza that I ordered was fully loaded.